Whatever You Want Chewy Granola Bars
Good afternoon, citizens of the Internet! It has been a while since I have shared any tasty treats with you and for my excuses, please look out the nearest window where you will certainly see excessive amounts of sunshine. Step outside and notice that the excessive sunshine brings with it copious amounts of heat, intensified by the microscopic water particles suspended in the air. In short: it's hot. And this is why it has taken me so long to bring you a new and delightful from-scratch recipe. I couldn't take the heat, so I got out of the kitchen. But I'm back! And at the request of my cousin Jenny, I present homemade granola bars! Guaranteed not to heat up your kitchen too much, and also to fill you up with plenty of protein and fiber and all that stuff that's good for you, but also taste good enough that you want to eat it.